Wednesday, February 2, 2011

RIP White Stripes

What up, what up TWEAKsters!?

Looks like we gained a couple followers so first of all I just want to thank you guys!! We'll do our best to keep this interesting. With that said, on with the blog!!

Today, I want to take this time to pay tribute to one of my favorite bands of all time, The White Stripes, who announced today that they have officially broken up (for their explanation, read up here:

For the other fans out there, I feel your pain. Jack White was a god among men when it came to shredding axe and meanwhile maintained a completely pure attitude when it came to production. For me, the White Stripes WERE rock-n-roll and have heavily inspired my music taste today.

For those uninformed and interested, check out their album White Blood Cells and see how it feels.

BUT I light of such tragedy I was curious to hear from you guys about the following:

- Who is your favorite band?

- If you had ONE wish for ONE band to get back together, who would it be?

- I first heard the White Stripes when I saw their incredible music video for their song "Fell In Love With a Girl"...SO, post a YouTube link to your favorite music video!!

I'll leave you with this...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

We're here. We're TWEAK. Getting used to it is entirely YOUR call.

Hello, hello people of the blogosphere.

This following information pertains to the ideas that will henceforth represent the TWEAK Footwear Blog. Please do not be alarmed. This is only a blog.

When it comes down to it we the Deckhands of TWEAK Footwear live by the slogan "It's YOUR Brand!" and we mean it gosh darnit. So we got to thinking that this might be a good new way to reach out to you guys even more for those who may dig the blog over Facebook, por ejemplo.

We will use this as an outlet to share with you folks different things that are striking our interest at the moment. We don't want to push these things on you guys but rather throw 'em up out there to hear what your thoughts are.

Whether it be a YouTube video, notable Tweets, current events, music blah blah blah...we just want you guys to keep us honest and make sure TWEAK continues to involve itself with what is relevant to YOU!

Maybe no one reads it, or maybe we start a revolution, who knows?! Either way we'll be here for YOU so enter at your own risk. For this first post (if anyone is reading) we'd like to hear some of your ideas about what you would like to see out of the TWEAK blog in the comments. Otherwise...PEACE!